Saturday, May 28, 2011


Watching the moon rise
and waiting...
I can see the perfect circle--whole, one.

See the hawk fly low
to catch some food.

Bright light reflected
in us, mirroring you.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Family

So... what is the hype?  I keep hearing and seeing this phrase popping up everywhere.  What does it mean?  I know in SoCal there used to be a specific crew who threw parties called "Family Parties".  However, I do not know who they were and I've never been to one.  I'm talking about every crew who refers to the rest of their crew as the "family".  I find this amusing and am not necessarily knocking the reference.  I think that in some sense it is misleading and confusing, as well as exclusive... which leads to exclusion.  But, as a part of many families, I really can't complain.        (from November 11, 2008)